Blessings for April (pdf)

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Blessings for April (pdf)


Did you know that the most important ingredients in the production of rainclouds are feet, debris, sky-high ladders, prayers, pickle spears, pie, and lingonberry jerky? This month, we share how we gods make rain and stomp our blessings into the clouds.

A small warning: you may feel like you need a raincoat to make it through the 5 pages of rainstorms in this book! It rains very very hard! And there isn’t a SINGLE roof or tree or umbrella’d stranger to hide under. However, our hope is that the rain inside these pages reaches you — through your skin, eyeballs, ears, mind, fingertips.

If you’re having a particularly difficult season, please open your book to a cloud with a needed blessing and rest your little face on it. Take in every drop of rain you can.

You’ll receive two pdf files: one formatted for screen reading (labeled “SCREEN”), and another formatted for double-sided printing (labeled “PRINTABLE BOOKLET”). Please don’t distribute this top-secret content!

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