Healing Machine for Robin
For the fear that you are a selfish or shallow person

You are trapped in a grocery store inside a mountain, and there's a bobcat loose in the aisles. Somehow you know he's there to gather up all the selfish and shallow people and grab them in his terrible mouth. You spot him in the cereal aisle, stalking a little boy piling box after box of Cap'n Crunch into his mother's shopping cart. You disappear into the milks, nursing the terrible knowledge that you'll be next, when you hear the boy's scream.

Now you're stretched out on a bed of bread. The bobcat paces past you, sniffing in your direction, and turns the corner stacked with tortillas. You hide among the pickles, wondering why you haven't just run out the double doors like all the other shoppers. You grow tired of hiding and climb into a shopping cart and wait, eating Corn Pops out of a box flecked with blood. Before you see him, you hear the bobcat whisper your name. He's ready for you. Somehow, your legs reach over the edges of the shopping cart all the way to the floor, and you crabwalk toward him, your mouth full of Pops. You gain speed until you become a blur, your hair blown backwards. The bobcat turns the corner into the aisle, bounding toward you as you race ahead. He takes one last leap and you crash hard against his terrible teeth, knocking out his incisors with your skull. He vomits, spewing out shopper after shopper after shopper into the warm arms of the cereal aisle. You pop his sharp teeth into your mouth and run triumphant into the night.